It is the highest level of recognition based on the analysis of the sustainability profiles of over 13,000 companies.
Pirelli says it has achieved the qualification of “Top 1%,” the highest level of recognition in the Sustainability Yearbook 2023. Published by S&P Global based on the analysis of the sustainability profiles of over 13,000 companies, the company obtained the Top Score of 86 points (revised from the original 85), the highest of the ATX Auto Components sector in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe Indices.
Marco Tronchetti Provera, the executive vice chairman and CEO of Pirelli, said: “We are proud to be reconfirmed as a Top ESG Performer in the Sustainability Yearbook 2023. This recognizes the engagement of everyone who works at Pirelli in transforming our sustainability strategy into tangible results, challenging ourselves continuously to maximize sustainable and shared value creation.”