THE TIRE COLOGNE, regarded as a leading trade fair of the tyre and wheel industry, will start once again only three months now: from 4 to 6 June 2024. Personal discussions, relevant decision makers, a high number of orders and an international public as well as the most important pioneering trends and themes of the industry make the trade fair the tyre event of the year: THE TIRE COLOGNE provides strong impulses in a spirit of partnership and makes efficient business and networking possible for trade visitors. The Ticket Shop is open as of now and the exhibitor search is online.
Koelnmesse – industry trade fairs for the mobility segment: Koelnmesse stages INTERMOT, THE TIRE COLOGNE and polisMOBILITY, three major international trade fairs in the mobility segment, hosted at its trade fair grounds in Cologne/Germany. Alongside tires and wheels, THE TIRE COLOGNE focuses on equipment for motor vehicle servicing and tire fitting centres and presents a comprehensive range of products and services for tire retreading and the recycling and disposal of old tires. INTERMOT is the show for motorised two-wheelers and presents the key innovations in electromobility, accessories, clothing, parts, customizing, touring and workshop equipment. The latest format polisMOBILITY shows how urban mobility can and must be designed in the future. The events serve as central, international business platforms, bringing the industry together with a carefully targeted approach to showcase the latest products, developments and innovations.
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